Woodland - Child Friendly
A set of five handmade Trees with dulled points and a food-safe oil finish. Select your very own unique Woodland from...
Good things come in twos but you’ll be lucky to spot one of these rare sprouts on your travels. These...
With its branches so abundant with leaves you have to wonder what this guys been eating. A chubby addition to...
Woodland - Oak
A beautiful selection of five handcrafted Trees all made from a selection of Oak and packed in one of our stylish Woodland...
A topiary giant! This tree would be the centrepiece of any sculpted garden. These little wooden Trees may be small...
Short but perfectly shaped. This Tree is held in high esteem and is often found in gardens surrounding Japanese Shinto temples....
Less is more with this Scandi inspired Tree, a minimalists dream. These little wooden Trees may be small but they...
Woodland - Droplets
A beautiful selection of five handcrafted Drip and Drop Trees packed in one of our stylish Woodland boxes. These little wooden Trees...
It's crisp, sharp texture demands closer inspection, you'll find that the roughness of this Tree creates a wild grain pattern...
A good egg. An abstract topiary form that you'll be scrambling to get your hands on. These little wooden Trees...
Four cloud wonder
Made from Oak.This is a special edition Tree it is partiality intricate and detailed and requires a little more time...
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